import { getImage } from "../deno-gyazo/mod.ts"; import { getGyazoToken } from "../scrapbox-userscript-std/rest.ts"; import { useStatusBar } from "../scrapbox-userscript-std/dom.ts"; import { pool, sort } from "../async-lib/mod.ts"; import { upload } from "../scrapbox-file-uploader/mod.ts"; import { makePage, makePageInit } from "./makePage.ts"; import { makeSectionMap } from "./section.ts"; // 読み込み const pending = fetch("/api/table/takker/『第3版_土質力学』/index.csv"); const file = await upload({ accept: "application/json, *.json"}); if (!file) throw new Error("no file specified"); // データ形成 const table = await (await pending).text(); const sectionMap = makeSectionMap(table); const gyazoList = JSON.parse(await file.text()) as string[];; console.log(gyazoList); type Gyazo = { url: string; text: string; index: number; }; const result = await getGyazoToken(); if (!result.ok) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result.value)); const accessToken = result.value; if (!accessToken) throw new Error("Could not get the access token"); const { render, dispose } = useStatusBar(); // OCR取得 const reader = pool( 5, Array(gyazoList.length).keys(), async (index: number): Promise => { const gyazo = gyazoList[index]; const id = gyazo.match(/\/([^\/]+)$/)?.[1]; if (!id) throw new Error(`Could not find Gyazo ID from "${gyazo}"`); const result = await getImage(id, { accessToken }); if (!result.ok) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result.ok)); const { permalink_url, ocr } = result.value; return { url: permalink_url, text: ocr?.description || "", index, }; }, ); const pages = [] as { title: string; lines: string[]; }[]; const stack = [] as makePageInit[]; let counter = 0; for (const promise of reader) { const result = await promise; if (!result.success) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result.reason)); const { url, text, index } = result.value; // データを取得しながらページを作る const data = { section: sectionMap[counter], pageNum: counter, text: text, gyazo: url, }; stack.push(data); if (stack.length === 2) { pages.push(makePage({ ...stack[0], nextSection: stack[1].section, })); counter++; } else if (stack.length === 3) { pages.push(makePage({ ...stack[1], prevSection: stack[0].section, nextSection: stack[2].section, })); stack.shift(); counter++; } else { counter++; } render( { type: "spinner" }, { type: "text", text: `${gyazoList.length} images, ${counter} got`, }, ); } dispose(); // 最後のページ pages.push(makePage({ ...stack[1], prevSection: stack[0].section, })); // download console.log(pages); const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify({ pages })], { type: "application/json" }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; = "import.json";; URL.revokeObjectURL(url);